Research Help
The History Room staff is able to investigate specific research requests, but is limited as to the amount of time spent on each request. We are unable to do extensive or intensive research. Please email or call us with your question and we will be happy to explain what information we might have within our collection. 704-216-8253 or 704-216-8232
Except for the most cursory research, a charge of $25 will be assessed for 30 minutes of time spent on a request. Scans or copies are .15 each. Research will commence and photocopies will be sent by mail once payment has been received. Research may take several weeks. Checks should be made payable to Rowan Public Library and sent to:
Edith M. Clark History Room
Rowan Public Library
201 West Fisher Street
Salisbury, NC 28144
If particularly intensive or extensive research is desired, please feel free to contract with a private researcher. RPL does not endorse the researchers included in this link; they are listed only for your convenience. However, we will be pleased to have any comments you would like to share.
Research Contacts
For assistance with more extensive research than the History Room staff can handle, contact one of the following researchers. The appearance of the names on this list does not constitute an endorsement by Rowan Public Library.
Bill Hallman
94 Lowe Ave. NW
Concord, NC 28027
Confederate Prison Research Only:
Sue Curtis
P.O. Box 5093
Salisbury, NC 28147-0088
Examples of answerable queries:
Please send copies of the will or estate papers for Johann Miller who died in Rowan County ca. 1810.
I would like copies of the 1870 North Carolina census index for all Millers.
I would like copies of pages 50-57 of the book, Carolina Cradle.
Do you have information about the Millers and Caubles in your collection? [We will answer this and try to give an idea of how much there is.]
Do you have a marriage bond for Johann Miller and Elizabeth ? between 1785 and 1800? [We would consult our marriage bonds and send copies.]
Examples of too broad or general queries
We are unable to provide much help for broad or general questions such as:
Give me everything you have on the Cauble family.
My grandfather, J. Smith, was born in Rowan County in the 1870s, can you provide my family history?
I am researching the Dorf line. Please send background information on the Dorf’s of Rowan County.
Examples of too intensive queries
We are equally unable to perform research of an intensive nature, for example:
My ancestor, John Smith, was involved in a court dispute in the fall of 1891. Please check the newspapers and court records for any mention of the case.
Additional options:
The following membership organizations will answer and/or publish one query a year per member. Please contact them for more information.
Genealogical Society of Rowan County
North Carolina Genealogical Society
The sources below will respond to brief queries. Your local library will have addresses of libraries, historical and genealogical societies throughout North America.