HomeFinding Aids#9624 Charles Remy Palmer Pharmacy Notebook

#9624 Charles Remy Palmer Pharmacy Notebook

Charles Remy Palmer Pharmacy Notebook

MSS #9624

February 1997

Abstract: A 1907 pharmacy class notebook kept by Charles Remy Palmer while a student at the University of North Carolina (1907-08), as well as Francis Preston Venable's Qualitative Course in Chemical Analysis and H. C. Gray's Condensed Compendium of Pharmaceutical Knowledge, both textbooks.

Online catalog terms:

Gray, H. C.

Palmer, Charles Remy

Pharmacy--study and teaching

University of North Carolina Pharmacy School--history

Venable, Francis Preston

Size: Less than one linear foot.

Provenance: Unknown, Came to Rowan Public Library in 1996

Access: No restriction.

Copyright: Retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law.


Charles Remy Palmer was born in 1886 to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Palmer of Salisbury, North Carolina. He embarked on a pharmacy career early in life, first working as a clerk in the old Salisbury Drug Company Store when it was owned by G. W. Wright. After serving his apprenticeship there, he attended a course of lectures at the University of North Carolina, returning to work in several drug stores about Salisbury until he was forced to leave his work because of ill health. He spent several years fighting tuberculosis, then died in 1910.

This collection contains Palmer's notes from a series of lectures that he attended at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill beginning in September 1907. These notes, for the most part, contain practical descriptions of various chemical compounds. There are also two textbooks that Palmer used in his school work: 1) H. C. Gray. A Condensed Compendium of Pharmaceutical Knowledge, A Quiz Book (Chicago: M.M. Gray and Co, 1905) and 2) F. P. Venable A Course in Qualitative Chemical Analysis revised by Alvin Sawyer Wheeler (New York: University Publishing Company, 1902).

Folder List

Folder 1. Notebook

Folder 2. Gray's Pharmaceutical Quiz . .

Folder 3. Venable's Qualitative Chemical Analysis