#9616 Lash Collection
Lash Collection
MSS #9616
June 1996
Abstract: Papers of the Lash family of Salisbury, NC, African American owners of a chain of small grocery stores, leaders in civil rights, education, and the Black congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, including the papers of Wiley I. Lash, the first African-American Mayor of Salisbury, NC.
Online catalog terms:
African Americans--Salisbury (NC)--History
Barnes, Olga Lash
Clement, Thelma
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America--African American Congregations
Jones, Adrienne Lash
Lash Family
Lash, Wiley Hezekiah
Lash,Wiley Immanuel
Lash, John
Lash, Mayzonetta "Mary"
Livingstone College