National Register
National Register of Historic Places Rowan County, NC
Rowan County, NC is the home to 48 National Register of Historic Places sites, including several historic districts. These National Register sites range from eighteenth century farms to an early twentieth century school, from a railroad shop complex to a Lutheran church.
The National Register of Historic Places is a list maintained by the National Park Service of buildings, structures, sites, objects, and districts that are significant in American history, architecture, engineering, and culture. To qualify for the National Register, nomination forms must be completed. These forms detail the history of the site, architectural significance, etc. These nomination forms are then submitted to North Carolina's Historic Properties Office and the National Register Advisory Committee (NRAC) , which evaluates the nominations and those approved at the state level are passed along to the National Park Service.
Presented here are abstracts of the nomination forms for those sites in Rowan County. The North Carolina Historic Properties office in Raleigh, NC holds the originals of the nomination forms. The photographs found on this Web site were taken by Rowan Public Library staff and are not the file photos located in the nomination files in Raleigh. Property owners identified on these documents owned the sites at the time they were nominated and may or may not be the current owners.