HomeFinding Aids#9703 Weddington Family Reunion Ledger

#9703 Weddington Family Reunion Ledger

Weddington Family Reunion Ledger

MSS #9703

June 1997

Abstract: Ledger from the annual Weddington family reunion (1937-1995).

Online catalog terms:

Weddington Family

Size: Less than one linear foot.

Provenance: Weddington Family
(Ralph L. Weddington 466 Lyttleton Drive, Charlotte, NC 28211)
January 1997

Access: No restriction.

Copyright: Retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law.


A ledger containing the record of Weddington family reunions beginning with the first held at the home of Hugh P. Weddington in Davidson, NC on Oct. 31, 1937 and continuing through the reunion of 1995 which was held at the fellowship hall of St. Paul's United Christian Church in Enochville, NC.

Minutes from the first reunion reveal that "after lunch a number of hymns were sung, led by a string band composed of Mr. W. Belcher and Mr. Walker Measmer and Mr. Henry Easly all of Kannapolis." The third reunion notes that here were "a number of recitations and speeches by the children." The minutes of the 1995 meeting are much like those that precede it. They note those who travelled the farthest, the oldest present, etc. There are also brief treasurer's reports and sketchy attendance lists, as well.

Folder List

Box 1. Ledger